At IBA Global you get to learn some pretty amazing sales skills ( that you can take with you into soooo many other roles and careers ), and you also learn how to coach and mentor other Brand Ambassadors.
You get the opportunity to travel to places like Paris, Ibiza and Morocco to education and networking events with other Brand Ambassadors from across the globe.
You learn how to be independent - there are no rules here, everyone is in control of their own time + earning potential!
Brand Ambassadors are a pretty social bunch so we are always planning and attending events around Europe ( and sometimes beyond)

BA Meet ups
Usually held in major European cities like Paris, Madrid or London. These are one day events where BAs, who have just begun their journey, go to upskill and meet other BAs.

Social Nights
Drinks, dinner, bowling, pizza making …….this list is endless, but each week the IBA Global BAs head out in London together to explore and celebrate their success’s.

Meet ups
Once a Brand Ambassador has gotten a little experience under their belt we usually hop on the Eurostar to Paris or Lille for a day and night of learning, upskilling, networking and even a little partying.

Annual Summits
This is the biggie! Every year IBA Global travel ( with the best performing BAs) to the annual Summit event. This is a 3 day event ( always somewhere amazing like Dubai, Ibiza or Marakesh!) where all the best BAs from around Europe come to share their experiences, top tips and success stories - it truly is the highlight of our year!